Thomas Raja,legend of humanity

Humanity of Thomas Many of us know a little bit about the dacoit Ratnakar.We also know that he wrote the great epic Ramayana. Let us know today about one of the modern  dacoit  Ratnakar of the country.  Even though he got involved in bad activities in his first life, later he changed himself completely due to his own conscience and today he is the absolute shelterman for thousands of people. Let's take a look at some of the biographies of our modern Ratnakar. The name of the person in the picture is Thomas Raja who was born in North Tamil Nadu, India. He got involved with the criminal world at a very young age.Snatching money,getting drunk and fighting with others were all his daily activities. He even stoled things from his own house for his needs.In addition to his parents, his neighbors were unhappy with his daily abuse.He was even expelled by his parents from his  own  home due to his bad activities. But after that he became more reckless as there was no restraint before him. G

Indias Haunted Places

Banned haunted places in India

Today I am going to talk about a subject which has a vague manifestation of its presence in some deep place in the minds of all of us. It is something which cannot be believed without seeing it by oneself, and also cannot be denied firmly. There is a fear in all of us about them.There is some interest or disbelief of their presence .Yes, you are right. Today we will know about some houses or places in the paranormal world that are in our country.

The house above is located in Mumbai. It is said that a woman fell into the well of this house while fetching water and died. Since then, people believe that her soul goes around this house at night.

It is a historical structure where water was taken from a deep pond or well through stepping down many stairs. It was probably built during the reign of King Agrasen.Many people were later thrown and killed in these wells. It is heard that there is an uncomfortable feeling here. However, the popular Hindi film 'P .K' was taken shot in this place.

The place is in Uttarakhand and it is an abandoned mining area called 'Long Dehar'. It is said that many miners died in an accident at one time. Since then their souls have been wandering. That is why this situation exists today.

This is our place in Karshiang, West Bengal. It is believed that many evil spirits roaming around the two nearby schools here at late night.

Inside the famous Bombay High Court building, many ghosts can be seen at night.Locals beliefs say that the dissatisfied souls of those sentenced to death in court room roams in the court space at  night.

It is the famous 'Ramoji Film City' which is now located in Telangana. It is heard that the corpses of many soldiers of the Sultanate period were buried under it.So sometimes without any reason or here the light goes out, the mirror breaks or unusual thing happens.

This is Bhangarh fort in Rajasthan. This fort was built by Raja Madho Singh.There is a local story about the love of a Tantric and a princess. It is said that a Tantric was killed in that fort for falling in love with a princess. It is said that if anyone enters in the fort at night, he will not return back.

This is the Savoy Hotel in Mussoorie. A woman named Miss Francis Garnett died of poisoning at this hotel. Since then, the sound of footsteps and cries can be heard in this hotel at night.

Maybe there are many more such places that we have witnessed or no one has witnessed. But one thing we are bound to agree is that none of us can deny the matter forcefully. What you say, you can write in the comment box.

Bengali Translation

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  1. It's a very interesting story 🤠
    I like it, agreed..


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