
Showing posts from October, 2021

Thomas Raja,legend of humanity

Humanity of Thomas Many of us know a little bit about the dacoit Ratnakar.We also know that he wrote the great epic Ramayana. Let us know today about one of the modern  dacoit  Ratnakar of the country.  Even though he got involved in bad activities in his first life, later he changed himself completely due to his own conscience and today he is the absolute shelterman for thousands of people. Let's take a look at some of the biographies of our modern Ratnakar. The name of the person in the picture is Thomas Raja who was born in North Tamil Nadu, India. He got involved with the criminal world at a very young age.Snatching money,getting drunk and fighting with others were all his daily activities. He even stoled things from his own house for his needs.In addition to his parents, his neighbors were unhappy with his daily abuse.He was even expelled by his parents from his  own  home due to his bad activities. But after that he became more reckless as there was no restraint before him. G

Thomas Raja,legend of humanity

Humanity of Thomas Many of us know a little bit about the dacoit Ratnakar.We also know that he wrote the great epic Ramayana. Let us know today about one of the modern  dacoit  Ratnakar of the country.  Even though he got involved in bad activities in his first life, later he changed himself completely due to his own conscience and today he is the absolute shelterman for thousands of people. Let's take a look at some of the biographies of our modern Ratnakar. The name of the person in the picture is Thomas Raja who was born in North Tamil Nadu, India. He got involved with the criminal world at a very young age.Snatching money,getting drunk and fighting with others were all his daily activities. He even stoled things from his own house for his needs.In addition to his parents, his neighbors were unhappy with his daily abuse.He was even expelled by his parents from his  own  home due to his bad activities. But after that he became more reckless as there was no restraint before him. G

Puzzle Tumbstone

বিনের স্মৃতিসৌধ ধাঁধা   সম্প্রতি অনেকেরই নজরে একটি খবর হয়তো সামনে এসেছে।স্মৃতি সৌধের একটি ধাঁধার সমাধান করতে সময় লেগে গেছে প্রায় ৪০ বছর।মনে হয়তো প্রশ্ন হতে পারে কেন স্মৃতি সৌধের উপর এমন ধাঁধা রাখা হয়েছে এবং কি তার উদ্যেশ্য।পুরো ব্যাপারটা জানতে গেলে আমাদের একটু সময়কে পিছনে ফিরে দেখতে হবে । উপরের যে স্মৃতি সৌধটি আমরা দেখতে পাচ্ছি তা স্যামুয়েল বিন নামক এক কানাডাবাসী ভদ্রলোক তার দুই স্ত্রীর স্মৃতির উদ্দেশ্যে বানিয়েছিলেন।ভদ্রলোক প্রথম জীবনে চিকিৎসক রূপে পরিচিত হলেও পরবর্তী সময়ে তিনি এক যাজকের জীবন বেঁচে নেন।সম্ভবত দুই স্ত্রীকে অল্প সময়ের ব্যবধানে হারিয়ে সংসারের প্রতি তার উদাসীনতা তৈরী হয়।স্যামুয়েল প্রথমবার বিয়ে করেছিলেন হেনরিয়েটা নামক পেশায় মডেল এক মহিলাকে ১৮৬৫ সালে।যদিও ৭ মাসের মধ্যেই হেনরিয়েটা মারা যান।স্ত্রীকে কবর দেন ওন্টারিওর ক্রসহিল নামক এক জায়গায়।হেনরিয়েটার অন্ত্যেষ্টি কার্ডেও তিনি ধাঁধা মাধ্যমে সকলকে জানিয়ে দিয়েছিলেন কত বছর বয়সে হেনরিয়েটা মারা যান এবং কত দিন অসুস্থ থাকার পর তিনি মারা যান।      এরপর স্যামুয়েল দ্বিতীয় বিয়ে করেন সুসেন ক্লেগকে এবং তাদের একটি কন্যা সন্তানও হয়।কিন্তু ১৮৬৭

Strange fooding etiquettes

Strange etiquettes  Happy bijoya dashami to all.Let's talk about a completely different topic today.The subject is the different etiquettes of eating and drinking in different countries, which may be a little different in our eyes, but it is very common in those places. Moreover, this etiquette of eating and drinking gives a clear idea of the lifestyle and culture of those places. 1) As shown in the picture above, burping after a meal usually creates a very uncomfortable atmosphere in our Indian culture. In fact, if such an environment is created, everyone present there feels to be very embarrass.  But did you know that  burping  after a meal in China is quite healthy because it means that the person is very appreciative of the food. 2) Caution if you are invited to a Korean family with your family, you must remember that until the aged member of the host family does not have the very first bited , you just have to be a spectator and wait for the moment to come. 3) Again, if you ar

Death of a city

Lion City Today we will know the autobiography of a city which was alive at one time but today its identity can not be seen outside. It is surprising to think that a city full of people and modern civic civilization is a forgotten name today. Even today, houses, beautiful temples and roads can be seen in the alleys of the water-drowned city.Let us know the story. The submerged city is Xi Cheng, in China's Zhejiang Province. It was the heart of the province's political and economic activity.The question is why there was a need to drown such a city. The fact was that  a dam was needed in 1959 to generate hydropower, and it was decided that it would be built on the outskirts of the city. But the problem was that there was no lake in the province, so an artificial lake was needed. Now the city of  Xi Cheng  was at the foot of the Five Lions Mountains. The city was surrounded by mountains. So the Chinese government decided to turn the city into an artificial lake. It is centered on

Legacy of Marathon race

World dangerous Marathon  We all hope we've seen the marathon and know something about it.It's like the race came from the ancient Greek country. According to the famous Greek philosopher Herodotus, a Greek messenger named Phedipides traveled 240 km to the Spartan Empire to save the Athenian Empire from Persian invasion. However, he died on the way back and it is said that he did not take a rest on his long way.But few people know that in today's world there are many marathon races that are not less risky and difficult.Let us have a brief look on that. 1)Marathon the sabol: The marathon runs across the Sahara Desert, known as the toughest marathon in the world. In 1984, French concert promoter Patrick Bawa was the first to run on this route. This competition was held at a later time under his inspiration. The contestants had to walk on hot sand at a temperature around 50 degrees. They had to deal with a desert storm. In 1994, the Italian Mour Prospari was lost in such a sev

Story of Coffee

Coffee Day We all know that  1st  October was celebrated all over the world as the International 'Coffee Day'. Many people may also know that it was first cultivated in Ethiopia. Then it spreads to different countries of the world through Europe. With it, experiments are done in different countries, as a result of coffee is cultivated in different countries in different tastes and smells. As a result, its price is also different. I will discuss some of the methods of coffee production that will make your sense quite bitter. First of all, let's talk about the most valuable coffee. Coffee Luak is cultivated in Indonesia. Coffee is prepared here in a strange way. First the sweet coffee beans are fed to a special species of civet cat. Then it is mixed with the digestive juice secreted from its intestine.Later when it comes out of the stool it is cleaned and sold.Is it not shocking to know? But you will be even more surprised to know that it is currently the most valuable coffee

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