
Showing posts from August, 2021

Thomas Raja,legend of humanity

Humanity of Thomas Many of us know a little bit about the dacoit Ratnakar.We also know that he wrote the great epic Ramayana. Let us know today about one of the modern  dacoit  Ratnakar of the country.  Even though he got involved in bad activities in his first life, later he changed himself completely due to his own conscience and today he is the absolute shelterman for thousands of people. Let's take a look at some of the biographies of our modern Ratnakar. The name of the person in the picture is Thomas Raja who was born in North Tamil Nadu, India. He got involved with the criminal world at a very young age.Snatching money,getting drunk and fighting with others were all his daily activities. He even stoled things from his own house for his needs.In addition to his parents, his neighbors were unhappy with his daily abuse.He was even expelled by his parents from his  own  home due to his bad activities. But after that he became more reckless as there was no restraint before him. G

Picture Man

Photography in mines We all know that there are many valuable resources under the ground and it is constantly being raised in the development of human civilization.  Today, we will mention a resource under the ground that may not be directly used in the development of human civilization, but still paints a picture of the impact of human society.  If you want to go to the place, you don't just have to have a permit, you have to be specially prepared. If you don't understand, what kind of resources am I talking about? Let's talk in a little detail. The image above is a huge collection of photographs, located about 200 feet below in a limestone mine not far from New York.  It all started with Otto Batman of Germany. He was a librarian by profession and was addicted to collecting pictures. He later became known as 'The Picture Man'. Although he was not American by birth, he moved to the United States with two trunks of expensive photographs to escape Nazi persecution .

Longest Year 1972

Special 1972 the longest year Today we are trying to gain some knowledge by looking for the answer to a question. Well tell me which is the longest year in the world so far? Think about it. I know many of you will say that leap year will be the longest year. But leap year is every 4 years. As a result, it is not at all possible to determine which year is the longest. However, it has been widely calculated that 1972 is still the longest year. It was 2 seconds longer than the average time of the year as a leap year. We can also call it a leap second. Let's see why 1972 was the longest year. It takes the earth about 24 hours to revolve around its own axis and 365 days to revolve around the sun once. Natural phenomena like day and night, tides, change of seasons depend on this rotation of the earth and we have all known about this since childhood. The speed of this rotation is not always the same, it varies due to various natural causes. Tides, volcanoes and other natural causes are re

A life and Walnut tree

A walnut and a pledge We all believe in a sentence that a tree is the equivalent to a soul.So a healthy and normal person will just want more trees around him/her so that he/she can breathe more fresh air. But when this green tree (not harmfull in any sense) becomes the cause of suspicion of a child's life,then we people have to be a little doubtfull.It becomes more intersting when the matter goes to the court even though the court rules in favor of the tree. we will hear about such an incident today . The incident took place in Trouse, Norfolk County, England. The fight was over a century-old walnut tree and a 6-year-old child.  The baby's mother, Santal Beck, complained in court that the tree could be a cause for concern for the child's life. In fact, most of the walnut trees are leaning towards their gardens, and that's where Santal's concern is. Because her two daughters play in the garden. Bonnie, one of the two daughters, has a severe allergy to walnuts. Santa

16-Psyche Asteroid

16-Psyche Asteroid,goldmine Just as our world is the most beautiful and loving place in the eyes of all of us, there are many wonders beyond this world, most of which we have not yet known. Maybe it's not too late for Earth's good days to come. In that case, if the right plan is adopted, according to NASA, everyone in the world can become a millionaire.keep patience  to know about how this is possible, then today's topic 16-Psyche,which is basically an asteroid is a subject for you. It is thought to be crammed with platinum, gold, iron, copper and many other precious metals. The asteroid came to the attention of the Italian astronomer Anibel de Gasparis in 1852, about 170 years ago. The asteroid is located between Mars and Jupiter, about 370 million kilometers away. NASA will launch the asteroid in mid-2022 and it is expected that it will take more than 3 years or 2026 for the spacecraft to reach there.It is expected to  bring some samples from 18-Psyche and test them in la

Maharaja the royal mascot

Air Indias 'Royal Mascot' Let's get acquainted today with a king who is very dear to all of us. Although this king's outfit is royal, he is not a 'majestic personality'.Even though he is old, the king's huge mustache has not changed. His red sherwani and striped turban still have no folds. From 1947 till today, he has been entertaining the passengers with humility.For those who have not yet understood, I would say that this Maharaja is our national pride Air India's 'mascot' of the internationally renowned Indian state-owned airline. So this Maharaja turned 75 years old this year. The birth of Maharaja took place in British ruled India.  He was born in the hands of Bobby Kuka, the then commercial director of Air India, and Umesh Rao, a well-known advertising artist in Bombay at the time. There seems to have been a special way of making such a mascot. It seems that because at that time India was the land of 'kings' in the eyes of the weste

Covid traffic travel light

Covid traffic lighting system Today, the whole world is in turmoil due to corona.This horrible life has been going on for almost 2 years.Extreme uncertainty has come down in the lives of ordinary people. our country is no exception,the rate of infection is also quite worrying.But the flow of life should not be stopped.Many people have to go abroad for livelihood or business.So a 'traffic light' has been arranged for traveling to different countries from the international level. Let us know today what is this 'Covid Travel Traffic Light System'?.With this system, the indicators of Covid status of a country are indicated in red, green and amber in these 3 colors. It also indicates the status of Covid post-vaccination and infection ratio of a country.It also indicates the measurement for following covid rules and duration required for quarantine.In regard to this system it is needed to say that only England is going to follow it.  Green traffic travel light :   In countrie

Missile woman of India

Missile woman One thing we all understand today is that if given the right opportunity, boys and girls can go for their desired goals regardless of gender point. This is further emphasized when we see that girls continue to excel in various fields (science, sports, space research, missile technology, etc.). But they still have to go through many obstacles. The betterment of the society and the country is possible only if our point of view is clearer. Today we will know the identity of a woman who not only overcame hundreds of obstacles to reach her goal, today the spread of missile technology in our country depends on her. Very few people know the name of that woman. She is Tessie Thomas.she was born in 1983 in a syrian christian family in Kerala. But her childhood was not happy at all. she lost her father at a very young age. Her mother was a teacher but she had an strong mind. Despite hundreds of difficulties, she kept her child at bay.The Thumba rocket launch center was very close t

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