
Showing posts from February, 2021

Thomas Raja,legend of humanity

Humanity of Thomas Many of us know a little bit about the dacoit Ratnakar.We also know that he wrote the great epic Ramayana. Let us know today about one of the modern  dacoit  Ratnakar of the country.  Even though he got involved in bad activities in his first life, later he changed himself completely due to his own conscience and today he is the absolute shelterman for thousands of people. Let's take a look at some of the biographies of our modern Ratnakar. The name of the person in the picture is Thomas Raja who was born in North Tamil Nadu, India. He got involved with the criminal world at a very young age.Snatching money,getting drunk and fighting with others were all his daily activities. He even stoled things from his own house for his needs.In addition to his parents, his neighbors were unhappy with his daily abuse.He was even expelled by his parents from his  own  home due to his bad activities. But after that he became more reckless as there was no restraint before him. G

Salton a tragic river

Salton River Today we will tell the story of a river that was born and died in the hands of our human society. There are many instances in the world where the river has lost its importance or its name has disappeared forever for the development of human civilization like the Los Angeles and Salt rivers in America.But this river has not been created by nature, but in the hands of human are right, the river was artificially created and it was the Salton river in California. In fact, the river was created artificially by cutting a canal from the Colorado River. Farming and tourism flourished around this river in a very natural way.It is seen that various migratory birds and animals also came in this Salton river.Many locals even farmed fish with the water of this river. But the local administration decides to build a dam on the Colorado River to prevent flooding,and that is when the river's plight begins. Although floods can be prevented by building dams, the inflow of rain

Smart City a new thought

Smart City According to the data released by the United Nations, the world's population will reach 9.7 billion by the year 2050. It is estimated that about 80% of this population will be urban populations where many cities will be home to about 10 million people. As the numbers increase, the balance of the environment, the supply of natural energy and resources, the reduction of traffic congestion and the prevention of criminal activity will have to face daunting challenges.  We can get rid of all these problems in the future with the help of a new technology. Yes, you have rightly assumed that the technology is AI-enabled IoT, which will soon give birth to a smart city. So what exactly is this smart city? A smart city is a city that uses information and technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of city services (such as energy and transportation), thereby reducing resource consumption, preventing waste and reducing overall costs. Below are some of the benefits of using this

Peace in Antikythera Island

Antikythera Island Today I will show you a place where there will be no unnecessary urban noise, no needless crowds of people will not disturb your personal range, you will be able to spread your arms and legs. The biggest news is that if you want to live here you can do it for free and About 40,000 rupees in Indian currency in a month. Surprised, thinking I'm wrong. Absolutely not, absolutely true. So let's be a little open. The site is a 45-minute flight from Athens, Greece, to the island of Anticathera, now inhabited by a small number of people.  The administration wants the population to grow and the place to prosper economically. But for that, it wants more a ccommodation, food will be provided free of cost along with cash to encourage the people. However, I would like to say a word to those who have just decided to go there after hearing about so many facilities, there is no ATM to withdraw money even though there is electricity and internet service, the number

Secularism in BALI

Bali and its  Secularism Let's find out today about a place where minority religious sentiments are not harmed, where mutual trust and coexistence prevails among all, no matter what their religion is. Do you think there is such a place in this world? Yes, we have it in Asia. You must have heard the name of Indonesia. Yes, you are right. Wondering how it is possible to respect the rights, beliefs and religious sentiments of minority people in a Muslim-majority country. We are all familiar with 'Bali Island' of Ramayana, a great book of Hinduism. So this Bali, an island in Indonesia where you can see statues of many Hindu gods and goddesses on both sides of the road which has multiplied the beauty of Bali. With a population of 220 million Muslims, various Hindu deities are revered there. Even when it comes to covering this collection of Bali gods and goddesses courtesy of an Islamic head of state, the administration strongly refuses to accept it because they believe the sand

Strike history of Kolkata

Strike History in Kolkata All of us, especially the people of West Bengal, are very familiar with the word 'Strike'. Although its use has been seen very rarely lately, in the last few decades, our state has gained a lot of notoriety due to over-application of this strike.I know everyone knows all  this,but how many of us know the history of the first strike in Calcutta.Let's take a look at that. Background of strike About 200 years ago today, in 1827, the first strike took place in the heart of Calcutta and was called by the palanquin carriers. At that time, the palanquin was an important means of communication. The palanquin was the vehicle of everyone from Bengali Babu to Englishman and it was carried by Bengali and Non-Bengali carriers. So,at that time a degree was issued by the Calcutta Police that from now on the palanquins would have to register, and each of them would be given a license number. But they were not ready to accept the order issued by Calcutta Police. Th

Mankind with stem therapy

What do you think of the two pictures above? Dave Osprey is an American millionaire who recently claimed to have regained much of his lost youth by repeatedly injecting his body using stem therapy. Let us a have a look what this stem therapy is. It is said to be a kind of regenerative medicine that restores damaged cells to a new look, similar to a type of 'organ transplantation' but involves no organ transplantation, instead have a complex process of stem cell collection taken from the body of the desired person.However, this method is very expensive.Another thing is that the success rate is not as expected yet, but we can expect it to increase in the coming days. If you like the blog, please comment. Bengali Translation উপরের ছবি দুটি দেখে আপনাদের কী মনে হচ্ছে? ঠিকই ধরেছেন ছবি দুটি একই ব্যক্তির যার নাম ডেভ ওসপ্রে।ইনি আমেরিকার একজন ধনকুবের ও যিনি সম্প্রতি 'স্টেম থেরাপি' পদ্ধতিতে নিজের শরীরের ভিতর বারংবার ইঞ্জেকশন প্রয়োগ করে নিজের অনেকটা হারিয়ে যাওয়া যৌবন ফিরে পাওয়া গেছ

Communication with HAM radio

Many of us may have heard the news a month ago that a missing mother from Gangasagar Mela was contacted by her son in collaboration with a radio called 'Ham Radio' or this radio played an important role in the recent 'Amphone' disaster and more. So, many of us  may have heard the word 'ham radio' but I think there are many people who know very little about it. Let's try to know a little bit about it. However, it is not possible to say exactly how the name 'Ham Radio' came to be. Some say that it was named after initials of scientists Hertz, Armstrong and Marconi. Another one says that it is named after the thought of 'HELP ALL MANKIND'. It is a two-way communication system originally designed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) through radio waves. In order to run it, one has to take an initial training and if successful, a license is given to the person who wants to. It is also often referred to as amateur radio because it is oper

Quarantine and its History

The word quarantine is a burning horror for us today. Especially when the memory of last year's Kobid-19 is still very vivid to us.This quarantine panic has completely disrupted the lives of ordinary people in our country, which will continue in 2021. But you would be surprised to know that this is not the first time.This quarantine or house arrest has been seen in a village called Yam in England about 350 years ago. Let's have a look of it. However, the quarantine was caused by an epidemic called the plague, which was basically a bacterial disease and was carried by rats. With a little familiarity with history, we all know how terrible the plague was at that time in England and in European countries. The disease came to that country through a tailor's formula which soon took the form of an epidemic that claimed the lives of about 250 people. The head of the village soon instructed them to strictly observe the quarantine. As a result, no one from outside or outside the vill

Bengals sweet dish

Bengal Sweets We all know that Bengalis are sweet lovers.The fame of Bengali sweets is world wide.Not only in the country, but also many people from abroad who have come to Bengal for various reasons admired for our sweet culture. 1) Rosogolla Looking at the pictures of soft and sweet white rosogollas,its very hard to control  oneself.Very few people have been able to keep themselves away from the sight of such fluffy white round and juicy sweets. 2) Sweet yogurt Its presence on the last leaf of any occasion brings a different dimension.Although sweet yoghurt is available in both red and white colors, the value of red sweet yoghurt is much popular in bengal.Moreover,sour yoghurt whey is good for the body in summer. 3) Rosmalai This kind of delicious rasmalai brings a different dimension to any occasion at home. Especially the taste of soft rosgolla in light sweet milk is not to be forgotten. 4)Pranhara  The taste of this sweet is also incomparable. It is an impeccable creation with the

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